Student Admission Management Software

Student Admission Management System is a unique product for Schools / Colleges / Academic Institutes / Coaching Institutes / Training Centers in India as well as Worldwide. It is designed for ease of use and flexibility. With this Software you can register the enquiry of the student, manage admission, define course, define fee structure for each batch, define fee schedules, manage scholarships, collect fees, generate & print fee receipts, print I-card and send SMS. This software makes your working easy while saving a lot of manual work, resulting into an easy and paper less management. Student Admission Management System also maintains student personal and historical data.

Student Admission Management System provides a simplified application process by reducing effort and duplication. It uses a single window entry system for selection process.


a. Compatible to run on web
b. Maintain Enquiry list
c. Create Batch
d. Admit Student
e. Reserve Admission
f. Fee defaulters list
g. Offer Scholarship
h. Student fee record
i. Admission management
j. Generate Receipt
k. Maintain track of various fees such as Admission fee, Monthly fee, special fee, etc
l. Collection status
m. Expense Voucer
n. Collection Vs Expense report for a period
o. Super Admin provsion for managing fee structure
p. Student Admission/ payment history
q. Integrate Multiple braches
r. Monitor Multiple branches using single login
s. Monitor Multiple brach colleciton status